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Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in
AMI Montessori Guide for
Elementary Education (6-12 years)

Recognized by the International Montessori Association (AMI)

4th Edition
Code: 230054
Category: Lifelong Learning Master's Degree
Language: spanish, english, russian
Start date: 19/08/2024
Last session face-to-face session: 13/02/2026
End date: 13/02/2026
90 ECTS / 569 hours
( face-to-face: 297 / videoconferencing: 272) + independent work based on ECTS
Day and Time:

consult the Calendar for the dates and times of face-to-face sessions and video conferences.

Possibility to attend face-to-face sessions by video conference: No
Class recording: No
Location: Montessori Palau International Research and Training Center, MIRTC
Places available: 40

External practices

There are two types of external internships: observations of Montessori children and environments and internships as a Montessori guide. During the 2024-2025 school year, after the first summer of the course, students complete three weeks of observations of Montessori children and environments in a primary school, under the supervision of an AMI-certified Montessori Guide. The observations allow students to continue their studies in a Montessori classroom, help to discover the reality of the...

Who the course is for

The Master is especially directed towards teachers, educationalists, psychologists and other educational professionals who wish to obtain the AMI Diploma to be Montessori guides in the 6 – 12 years’ environment.  Nevertheless, it is also open to any person from any background who wishes to get to know in depth the Montessori proposal for the 6 – 12 age group.

Entry requirements

University degree in the field of Education Science, Pedagogy, Psychology or other related university degrees.It is also possible to take the Master being the holder of other university awards, depending on the personal circumstances of the individual. If the applicant does not hold a university degree and for personal or professional reasons wishes to study for the Master, the possibility exists of obtaining the AMI Montessori diploma for 6 – 12 years but instead of being awarded the Master’s degree, receiving a Certificate of Attendance from the Fundació UdG:Innovació i Formació.

This Master requires a great deal of work and preparation at university level and therefore during the registration process references, an exposition of motivation and a personal interview with the director of the Master will be required, to clarify any doubts.


The principal objective of the Master is:

  • Acquire the conceptual, emotional and technical capacity to guide the self-development of children in a Montessori environment of 6 – 12 years.

This involves:

  • In-depth knowledge of the evolutional psychology of children in accordance with the theory of Dr. Maria Montessori, which concurs with the latest scientific discoveries.
  • In-depth knowledge of the Montessori proposal for helping the child’s self-development and simultaneously helping to improve society.
  • Personal and emotional preparation for observing the child and reaching out with respect towards his own self-development.
  • Understanding and recording of the educational and methodological proposals in all areas of knowledge, in an interdisciplinary manner.
  • In-depth knowledge of the materials and prepared environment of the 6 – 12 age group
  • Knowing how to adequately present materials and stories in the different areas of the curriculum.
  • Knowledge of the organizational and technical skills necessary for the direction of a Montessori environment for the 6 – 12 age group.

Professional outings

  • Guide in a Montessori Elementary Education class. In Spain a teaching degree is also required to teach in a school.
  • Recognized professional capacity as a teacher of the 6 – 12 age group in Montessori schools throughout the world.
  • Administration and assessment of educational projects in all types of businesses related to education.

Related information

Required readings

In the following link you will find the required readings for the course: Required readings

Information in Russian

In the following link you will find a document with all the information about the course in Russian: Information in Russian


This is an international course offered in three official languages: Spanish, English and Russian. Classes are taught in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English and Russian (provided when the minimum number of students for each language is reached. The organization reserves the right to cancel any of these three language options if the minimum number of students is not reached). The necessary curricular adaptations will be made in terms of language and culture, and all the materials will be available in the three languages.

Depending on the level of demand, the incorporation of other languages may be considered. Students may submit their albums and materials and sit their exams in any of the three official languages. Students may also present albums in other languages, with the prior approval of the Training Director and depending on the availability of translators.

If you do not enroll, tell us the reason!


11.200 €
Exceptionally extended discount period

